Common Lisp用の遺伝的アルゴリズムのライブラリGECOを使ってみる

GECO (Genetic Evolution through Combination of Objects)



(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :geco)



 A = \{7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 25, 27, 30, 31, 33, 36, 37, 38, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49\}
 \sum_{a \in A} \sqrt{a} = 119.517900301760320754230296092
 \sum_{b \in B} \sqrt{b} = 119.517900301760463739810150134



(in-package :GECO-USER)

(defclass BINARY-CHROMOSOME-10 (binary-chromosome)
   "A 10-bit binary chromosome."))

(defmethod SIZE ((self binary-chromosome-10))
  "So GECO will know how large to make the chromosome."

(defclass SIMPLE-BINARY-10-ORGANISM (organism)
   "An organism with only a 10-bit binary chromosome."))

(defmethod CHROMOSOME-CLASSES ((self simple-binary-10-organism))
  "So GECO will know what chromosomes to make."

(defclass BINARY-POPULATION-STATISTICS (population-statistics)
    :accessor allele-counts
    :initform nil
    :type (or null (vector fixnum 50))
    "The number of non-zero alleles, by locus, for our population."))
   "Our population-statistics also contains allele counts."))

(defmethod COMPUTE-STATISTICS :AFTER ((pop-stats binary-population-statistics))
  "Compute the allele statistics for the population and save them."
  (setf (allele-counts pop-stats)
        (compute-binary-allele-statistics (population pop-stats))))

(defclass SIMPLE-BINARY-POPULATION (generational-population maximizing-score-mixin)
   "Our populations are generational, and the scores are maximized."))

(defmethod ORGANISM-CLASS ((self simple-binary-population))
  "So GECO knows how to make the organisms in our population."

(defmethod POPULATION-STATISTICS-CLASS ((self simple-binary-population))
  "So GECO knows how to make our population statistics instances."

(defclass SIMPLE-PLAN (genetic-plan)
    :accessor statistics
    :initarg :statisics
    :initform nil))      ; so we can push instances
   "Abstract class to allow method sharing for initialization & regeneration."))

(defun froid-eval (bit-vec)
  (wiz-util:nlet iter ((i 1)
		       (sum-a 0d0)
		       (sum-b 0d0))
    (if (> i (length bit-vec))
	(abs (- sum-a sum-b))
	(if (= (aref bit-vec (1- i)) 1)
	    (iter (1+ i) (+ sum-a (sqrt i)) sum-b)
	    (iter (1+ i) sum-a (+ sum-b (sqrt i)))))))

;; 評価関数EVALUATEをフロイド問題に合わせて書き換える
(defmethod EVALUATE ((self simple-binary-10-organism) (plan simple-plan)
                     &AUX (chromosome (first (genotype self))))
  "The score for our organisms is the number of non-zero alleles."
  #+:mcl (declare (ignore plan))
  (setf (score self)
	(let ((froid-score (froid-eval (loci chromosome))))
	  (/ 1.0 froid-score))))

(defmethod REGENERATE ((plan simple-plan) (old-pop simple-binary-population) &AUX
                       (new-pop (make-population (ecosystem old-pop)
                                                 (class-of old-pop)
                                                 :size (size old-pop))))
  "Create a new generation from the previous one, and record statistics."
  (setf (ecosystem new-pop) (ecosystem old-pop))
  ;; selectively reproduce, crossover, and mutate
  (operate-on-population plan old-pop new-pop)
  ;; record old-pop's statistics
  (push (statistics old-pop)     ; impractical for real-world problems
        (statistics plan))

(defclass SIMPLE-PLAN-1 (simple-plan)

(defmethod PROB-MUTATE ((self SIMPLE-PLAN-1))
  "This is the probability of mutating an organism, not a single locus as is often used."

(defmethod PROB-CROSS ((self SIMPLE-PLAN-1))
  "The probability of crossover for an organism."

;; ここで世代ごとの操作(交叉や突然変異)を具体的にどのようにするかを定義している。
;; simple-plan-1とsimple-plan-2でここがどう違うかを確認する。
           ((plan simple-plan-1) old-population new-population &AUX
            (new-organisms (organisms new-population))
            (p-cross (prob-cross plan))
            (p-mutate (+ p-cross (prob-mutate plan)))
            (orphan (make-instance (organism-class old-population)))) ; not in any population
  "Apply the genetic operators on selected organisms from the old population."
  (let ((selector (stochastic-remainder-preselect old-population)))
    (do ((org1 (funcall selector) (funcall selector))
         (random# (geco-random-float 1.0) (geco-random-float 1.0))
         (i 0 (1+ i)))
        ((null org1))
       ((> p-cross random#)
        (if (< 1 (hamming-distance (first (genotype org1))
                                   (first (genotype (setf org2 (pick-random-organism
             org1 org2
             (setf (aref new-organisms i)
                   (copy-organism org1 :new-population new-population))
             orphan) ;a throw-away, not in any population so it can be GC'd
          ;; hamming distances < 2 will produce eidetic offspring anyway, so bypass crossover & evaluation
          (setf (aref new-organisms i)
                (copy-organism-with-score org1 :new-population new-population))))
       ((> p-mutate random#)
         (setf (aref new-organisms i)
               (copy-organism org1 :new-population new-population))))
       (T ;; copying the score bypasses the need for a redundant evaluate
        (setf (aref new-organisms i)
              (copy-organism-with-score org1 :new-population new-population)))))))

;;; Some stuff to test the algorithms:

(defvar *SBE* nil "a simple binary ecosystem")

(defun TEST-PLAN (times plan &KEY
                        (stream t)
                        (pop-size 20)
                        (evaluation-limit 400))
  (let (maxs avgs gens evals)
    (flet ((test ()
             (dotimes (i times)
               (setq *sbe* (make-instance 'ecosystem
                             :pop-class 'simple-binary-population
                             :pop-size pop-size
                             :plan-class plan
                             :evaluation-limit evaluation-limit))
               (evolve *sbe*)
               (format t "~& -- Max=~F, Avg=~F, #gens=~D, #evals=~D, Best=~A."
                       (max-score (statistics (population *sbe*)))
                       (avg-score (statistics (population *sbe*)))
                       (generation-number *sbe*)
                       (evaluation-number *sbe*)
		       (loci (car (genotype (best-organism (population *sbe*)))))
               (push (max-score (statistics (population *sbe*))) maxs)
               (push (avg-score (statistics (population *sbe*))) avgs)
               (push (generation-number *sbe*) gens)
               (push (evaluation-number *sbe*) evals))))
      (format stream "~&~A:" plan)
      (time (test)))
    (format stream "~& ==> Avg max=~F, Avg avg=~F, Avg #gens=~F, Avg #evals=~F"
            (/ (float (reduce #'+ maxs)) times)
            (/ (float (reduce #'+ avgs)) times)
            (/ (float (reduce #'+ gens)) times)
            (/ (float (reduce #'+ evals)) times))))


(test-plan 100 'simple-plan-1 :pop-size 3000 :evaluation-limit 1000000000)


 -- Max=142.61489289357363, Avg=137.15552032970106, #gens=10, #evals=19851, Best=#*11101000110001000111100010011010010110001111111000.
 -- Max=5391.136246786632, Avg=5134.166416579917, #gens=7, #evals=14304, Best=#*10000010010101011111100101010100000100110101111100.
 -- Max=321.82183687562343, Avg=308.63278835266544, #gens=11, #evals=24536, Best=#*00110001110101111100111100000100010100001110101011.
 -- Max=3039.350724637681, Avg=2927.9129416460914, #gens=18, #evals=40850, Best=#*10001110101000001110110011110011100011011001100010.
 -- Max=3086.316409124356, Avg=2974.185924951546, #gens=8, #evals=14849, Best=#*00101000110101011101110000001000101011100101110110.
 -- Max=2501.075730471079, Avg=2400.2046481735915, #gens=8, #evals=14853, Best=#*10100111100101010011000100100011110010101001011110.
 -- Max=240.58185155443385, Avg=230.96363448202854, #gens=10, #evals=19397, Best=#*01101010001110101101100001011000111001000111011001.
 -- Max=760.8024668964266, Avg=734.6861283552338, #gens=10, #evals=19848, Best=#*11000110010101011011001100110010100000100111111100.
 -- Max=113.20964128586466, Avg=107.56115507851729, #gens=10, #evals=21065, Best=#*11011011110101110111001000100111000000110110010101.
 -- Max=48770.976744186046, Avg=47194.052766792905, #gens=16, #evals=36461, Best=#*10001111101010101100111100110100011010100100011001.
 -- Max=367.7923535601543, Avg=352.2279566215395, #gens=9, #evals=18251, Best=#*00000010101000000000111110110010101011011011100101.
 -- Max=144.89598231250216, Avg=139.5894589745756, #gens=10, #evals=19413, Best=#*00101100110011100110011010111100101000110011001010.
 -- Max=998.4060937871935, Avg=956.812256633669, #gens=8, #evals=15297, Best=#*01010001100000100001101010001111001100011101100111.
 -- Max=144.9110005527916, Avg=140.5674017258869, #gens=9, #evals=17246, Best=#*00001011100100110010000011100001010100101101101111.
 -- Max=2634.613065326633, Avg=2514.3065220883204, #gens=11, #evals=21514, Best=#*01100001110000001111100111100010000101000110011111.
 -- Max=433.9683393688567, Avg=415.31702442800355, #gens=10, #evals=21329, Best=#*01011011100001001001011000010001100001001111011111.
 -- Max=321.92063857548544, Avg=311.730311934609, #gens=9, #evals=17198, Best=#*11000010001010001101010110001001111101011011110000.
 -- Max=105.58082867643357, Avg=100.97763609447222, #gens=10, #evals=21104, Best=#*01111000110110010011101111001011000110011001011000.
 -- Max=281.2703862660944, Avg=271.89971514833843, #gens=15, #evals=32500, Best=#*00011110111010111001000011000101000011001011110011.
 -- Max=1671.0374501992032, Avg=1605.3150850833645, #gens=10, #evals=21083, Best=#*11110101000111111100001110010111010110100001101000.
 -- Max=621.8389918458117, Avg=599.0423787666093, #gens=20, #evals=37655, Best=#*00110000111001100110001101000100111100011111000110.
 -- Max=5737.761969904241, Avg=5491.044407643343, #gens=20, #evals=43692, Best=#*00111100100011100011110101100001101101100000001111.
 -- Max=574.2475355969332, Avg=553.7706584580071, #gens=12, #evals=25066, Best=#*01101001000011100000101011100011111000100111010101.
 -- Max=611.8605397520058, Avg=593.9162043065234, #gens=35, #evals=35561, Best=#*00100010011001000001110110010011010110100110110011.
 -- Max=145.93451863191956, Avg=138.7454583176363, #gens=8, #evals=17173, Best=#*11010000010010101011100110101111011111000110100000.
 -- Max=75.48328114314509, Avg=72.87191070970853, #gens=12, #evals=23561, Best=#*11101001110111110110101010100000100111101000011010.
 -- Max=212.83320647485664, Avg=205.46000889763192, #gens=13, #evals=27487, Best=#*01011010111001001110000011000011110011110000101101.
 -- Max=25890.765432098764, Avg=25053.635760838708, #gens=10, #evals=20425, Best=#*10001101101100110011001001110100101000100011101101.


Evaluation took:
  105.236 seconds of real time
  105.162170 seconds of total run time (103.998552 user, 1.163618 system)
  [ Run times consist of 6.668 seconds GC time, and 98.495 seconds non-GC time. ]
  99.93% CPU
  447 lambdas converted
  280,637,441,808 processor cycles
  2 page faults
  4,723,809,104 bytes consed
 ==> Avg max=1662.6308595252744, Avg avg=1602.621294944806, Avg #gens=11.98, Avg #evals=24154.88
